#!/usr/bin/python3 # coding: utf-8 """Private Moments. A 1984 byte poem by Thomas Bøvith, 2018-06-21.""" from random import choice as c, randrange as r, sample d = ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'] n = ['Ali','Brian','Ed','Emma','Fatima','Jose','Laura','Lisa','Maria','Michael','Muhammed','Peter','Tom','Yasmin'] p = ['is waiting for '+i for i in ['the bus','a green light','someone']] p += ['is standing '+i for i in ['at the station','in the subway']] p += ['is walking around the '+i for i in ['supermarket','park']] p += ['is sitting '+i for i in ['on the bench','in the train','in a café','in the car','in the library','up against a tree']] p += ['is '+i+' the '+j for i in ['standing in','sitting in','walking around'] for j in ['living room','kitchen','bathroom','office']] p += [i+j for i in ['is lying on the ','wakes up on the '] for j in ['sofa','bed','grass']] a = ['Scratching the right nostril','Smelling the armpit','Staring into space','Looking at a glowing screen','Snapping a secret selfie','Opening slowly the eyes', 'Looking up slowly','Looking fleetingly into a camera lens','Slowly opening the mouth','Eating a piece of chocolate','Running a hand through the hair', 'Gently running the hands over the body','Taking a deep breath','Thinking'] + ['Thinking about '+i for i in ['a friend','a family member','someone else']] f1 = [i+j+k+l for i in ['A feeling of ',''] for j in 'anger anxiety emptiness happiness longing peace pain sorrow satisfaction tenderness worry'.split() for k in [' can be seen in the ', ' in the '] for l in ['face','eyes','body']] f2 = ['A half smile on the lips','A tear runs down the cheek','The face turns pale','Blushing cheeks','The eyes are radiating','Nothing to hide','Something to hide'] while not False: print('%s at %02i.%02i %s\n%s %s\n%s\n%s\n' % (c(d), r(24), r(60), c(['am','pm']), c(n), c(p), c(a), c(sample(f1, k=len(f1))[0:len(f2)*2] + f2).capitalize()))